It is a mistake to consider a sales funnel a simple reporting element, because in fact it is a powerful tool for increasing the company's profit. But for it to really work, it is necessary to build the right concept. For this, it is extremely important to take into account the individual characteristics of the business. The concept can be used for both offline and online trading. The only difference is that autofunnels are more often used for online sales.
Want to earn more with effective sales funnels? Then read this article, in which we will share valuable information about this marketing model and how to build it.
How the Sales Funnel Works: The Customer Journey
How the Sales Funnel Works: The Customer Journey
The essence of the concept was formed back in 1898 by the pioneer of advertising and sales Elias St. Elmo Lewis. More than 120 years have passed, and the model is still relevant. The trick is that it hides the stages that a typical client goes through on the way to making a purchase decision. Now this trading concept is called AIDA and includes four basic principles of preparing a person to make a deal.
Attention . The goal of the first stage is to capture the attention of a potential client. For this, various methods are used, such as advertising or a call.
Interest. Next, you need to arouse a person's interest in the product or service. This can be done with the help of meanings that are conveyed through a personal offer or the content of an advertisement.
Desire. If you have managed to arouse genuine interest in your wordpress web design agency product, then the potential buyer will have an irresistible desire to buy it. But here, of course, the client's pain points may arise, which also need to be worked out.
Action . At the last stage, the user performs a specific target action, for example, places an order or goes to a store.
Marketers create advertising campaigns and promotion strategies with only one goal - to make a potential client perform a target action. However, without a well-built funnel, it will be difficult to achieve results. It is worth noting that the success of the concept is influenced by many factors, such as pricing policy, marketing strategy, product research, target audience segmentation, promotion methods and much more.
How to build an automatic sales funnel?
How to build an automatic sales funnel?
As we said at the very beginning of the article, the funnel concept is relevant for both offline and online trading. However, for online sales, autofunnels are used. What is the difference?
An automated sales funnel implies a marketing technology that also builds the customer's path from the beginning (getting to know the company) to the completion of the target action (purchase). All this is organized using automation tools and is aimed at motivating the customer to make purchases again and again.
Autofunnels became popular somewhere around 2016. It was then that Russian companies were inspired by the ideas of American marketer Ryan Dice, who was actively promoting this concept at the time.
The main feature of the tool is that it does not require human participation. That is, companies do not need to hire additional marketers or employees in the sales department. It is only necessary to develop a concept once and implement it, and then enjoy an endless stream of loyal customers, only occasionally feeding the system with lead magnets and an advertising budget.
Unlike the AIDA model, the structure of the automated sales funnel includes not four, but eight basic principles of preparing a person to make a deal.
Generate interest in the product.
Involve the client in the interaction process.
Get contacts of a potential buyer.
Motivate to perform a target action.
Help the buyer understand the benefits of the product and its advantages.
Motivate a person to make a repeat purchase of a product or service.
Turn a buyer into a regular customer who is loyal to the company's products.
Motivate a regular customer to recommend your product or service to other people (relatives, friends, etc.).
To automate this sales funnel, you need to connect marketing and advertising tools, as well as use the technical capabilities of services and websites. In this way, you will create an auto funnel that will work independently and bring new loyal customers.
TIP. To attract attention and generate interest in the product, offer the client a free trial product or service. To create an effective lead magnet, analyze and segment your target audience. This will help draw a portrait of a potential client, see their problems and pain points. This way, you will understand which trial product will interest your target audience. We recommend creating not one “goodie”, but several, depending on the segment. A checklist, guide, or something else related to your service area can be used as a product. It is important that the “goodie” partially solves the client’s problem. This will create trust and the need to purchase the already paid product that your company offers.